Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Voluntourism Gone Wrong

I found another blog to follow! I am just getting started exploring Good Intentions Are Not Enough written by Saundra Schimmelpfennig and I am already smitten. She wrote an article that represents one of my major motivations to start an international community education program (see the FYI note at the bottom). I found her via The GiveWell Blog's article titled "Orphanages" (definitely check that article out as well).

She wrote an article a few months back called "Hug-an-orphan vacations" where she examines the impact of voluntourism focused on orphanages. She makes some very important points- essentially asking the reader to question the motivation behind short volunteer (voluntour) experiences in orphanages.

I want to challenge readers to also think about what can you accomplish during a short voluntour placement at an orphanage or anywhere for that matter. I am not saying don't do a short volunteer placement but do your research first. The project should:
  • not take away from the employment opportunities of a local person,
  • be sustainable,
  • focus on developing the resources of an existing organization (rather than building something completely new... unless absolutely necessary),
  • be accountable (you know where the money is going),
  • not exploit (ie use pathetic pictures of bloated bellies to appeal to funders).
FYI, the goal of my program is to provide an opportunity for a long term relationship between a school in Canada and a school overseas allowing for sustainability, supporting existing institutions, and ultimately helping more children get educations so they can grow up to help themselves, their families and their communities. I also teach about community development so that participants can go into experiences with their eyes wide open.

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